Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Art Update

Here is a progress shot of my Princess of Mars painting. My goal is to block in all the figures to the same levels as the central thark by the end of saturday. If I can manage it by friday, even better. Then I'll have all of next week to finesse the details and fine tune things, even though next week will be hell at work. Also here is a sketchbook page of a head and hand study for a painting I want to try and get done for the show at the Spirit Gallery in September. I'm putting the martian painting as well as my phoenix painting for sure, but if I can manage to put in a third piece that would really be killer. Anywho, critiques and comments are welcome.


  1. Lovely drawing, Julian! The structures emerge from the ground/picture plane with very little strain. I particularly love the solidity and articulation of the hand and fingers; it feels solid and dense and your grasp of functional anatomy is excellent!

    Russ (from WCB)

  2. I'm loving this sketch, Julian. Finish her.
