Thursday, January 29, 2009

Bouguereau copy

This is the copy I mentioned before that I was working on. I spent about 10 hours on it. I posted the half way finished version a couple days ago, its here again for further comparison. Looking my finish next to the actual piece, which I downloaded from, I still see a lot of mistakes. HOWEVER... there are quite a few landmark milestones as far as my painting application and technique is concerned. I'm incredibly happy with how the values turned out. They're subtle and similar to the way Bouguereau handled modeling form. The skin tone is not the same as the original, but I'm not bothered by it. The value structure is still there, off by a smidge, but there. I'm going to do two more Bouguereau studies and time myself at 10 hours each. I'll even keep a time chart to make sure I don't over do it. I could have continued on this, obviously, but I felt that the 10 hours is good training to build speed and accuracy. I have the last of a bunch of favor pieces to do in Feb, but I'll time manage myself to allow 10 hours for these copies so I can do one per week. After the last one is done, I'll do a portrait or self-portrait with Bouguereau inspired palette and technique. It'll definitely be an intensive painting month. I look forward to seeing my own progress. All comments welcome.


  1. Don't you just love copying shit. haha. very nice work dude. one of the most subtle paintings I've seen you do, however, I do need to see the original for a real critique.

  2. Hi Julian. This is Adam, the friend of Alex Piccirillo. The copy looks good man. I think that the gesture of the neck and the expression of the face is working out really well. I would suggest playing around with a ground color, the original looks like raw umber. Different than burnt umber and burnt sienna, because of its tendency to be on the green side. The skin tone that you like so much is very relative to the background he is using. I could be wrong, but let me know what you think. I will probably be seeing you at the Wyeth show, take care, and good luck!
